Holbeach Meadows travel back to the 1940’s

5 June 2023

Holbeach Meadows travel back to the 1940’s

With D-Day coming up, residents were keen to celebrate the 1940’s at Holbeach Meadows. We decided to have a themed day. The team were invited to come to work dressed up for the era and we decorated the lounge with propaganda posters, Union Jack bunting and even sandbags and camouflage netting.

Residents and our team reminisced with a DVD about life in the 1940’s, residents loved watching it in our cinema and said it brought back a lot of memories for them.  We also shared reminiscence materials such as replica magazines from the era, wartime cooking guides, ration books, evacuee tags and identity tags.

In addition to our traditional Sunday roast, we shared a tasting menu of 1940’s dishes made with rationing in mind, including Homity Pie, root veg mash and bread pudding, while spam sandwiches and ration cakes featured on the tea menu.

In the afternoon we had a real treat with ‘Just Us’ entertaining us with their ukuleles and lovely singing. Residents enjoyed, one resident commented ‘It was very enjoyable, Just Us seemed happy to be performing which made it much more fun’. Our 40’s theme will continue throughout the week with our cinema schedule showing dramas and films set in the decade!’

Holbeach Meadows are currently welcoming new residents, to book your visit today please contact 01406 34122.

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